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We are a couple from Palawan who started as friends after being in a band for almost a year then became "kaingud"(companions) in 2004. We are quite an unusual couple some might say, because aside from our admiration for each other, our interest in music and art had also given a big share to our collaboration. Then there are those things that are uncommon for others yet made it intriguing for us to know more about each other. And what an excitement it is to know that we both love curio The rare, unusual and intriguing objects, the love for bizarre crafts and unconventional art, the fascination with animal skulls and bones, the strange and mystical subjects. Our curiosities go beyond the physical, that is the belief in elemental beings and nature spirits exist in our surroundings through another dimension, some out of this world creatures, and other beings that flourish in the vastness of the cosmos. This are some of the main subjects that gave us chemistry.

Our Journey

Our travel. It is one of the fundamental part of our journey together.

It had a major impact to us and to what we will be in the future.

Back in 2005 we started travelling around the nearby islands, in the regions of Visayas. Bringing along our crafts and our drums with us, we got fascinated by the life of the trade fair exhibits. We were wanderers like gypsies and went along to town fiestas traveling with the caravan. There we were able to sell our crafts on mats on the ground while playing our instruments. For a while, we have settled a short time in an island and along the way we met some kindred souls, who don't only travel but also look forward to some self-development. There are mindful individuals who introduced us to spiritual consciousness and awareness. We met lots of brilliant people, musicians, excellent artists of different forms, whom we felt have magical powers that opened our eyes to other realms and perspective which have been inspirations to our works. On some occasions we made friends with the tribes and met their leaders and their shamans that gave us a different outlook in our being. Our roots, our origins and ancestry.

The rituals in the events, the blending of instruments and gongs and the collaboration of senses, the stir of all the occasions that we've been through has stimulated and lifted our spirits.

After those adventures, the experiences and influences worth carrying in our memories have helped developed our spectrum of views, ideas, and  purpose. We felt a call to something deeper and our true journey has began.

Kaingud Arts and Crafts

After venturing for over two years, our bags were full. Not only from souvenirs that we traded and bought from other skillful artisans, but also the lessons we learned from overcoming challenges of a vagabond life, from seeing the reality, and gaining knowledge from our own experiences. That was the best gift that we had brought home with us.


In 2007 we went back to Palawan, as though back from our "rites of passage". The fulfillment of freedom and discovering our individuality, added to the desire of forwarding to our next mission. Kaingud Arts and Crafts (Shop)

Kaingud (Arts and Crafts) Shop, which now became our brand, was our first shop we had in Puerto Princesa City. We settled for a bit and parked our trades and our soles for awhile. Here we have strived in our little shop even with a big Acacia tree in the middle which we think what really gave us luck in our activities. Thankfully, slowly, we thrived. It is here we have started to make and began collecting for our little "cabinet of curiosities" in our own way.

Many moons and many dreams after, years of process and practice and patience, the movement and variation in environment, has helped us to grow, to develop, to succeed and attain our skills into building and creating significant things.

Ka Likha (Soul Creations)

In 2017, We have moved to a new location as we continue to discover our purpose, which we have now found and love it here because it is closer to nature. And yes, we are still here! The exploration, the experiments and learning still goes on.

Our shop will always be evolving and transforming. To welcome everyone, especially those who are looking for interesting crafts that may have a space in their beautiful unique homes.


For all that, we are always thankful to the creator, the universe, to our ancestors that guides us and always gives us good health. Wisdom from the people that we met and for the blessings that we received everyday. We are looking forward for more years so we can create more collaboration and continue sharing our gifts and give wonders to others.

Ka Likha

Our physical store at present in El Nido, Palawan


Ka Likha meaning Soul Creations is inspired by the Ancient Egyptian word ka (soul, life force) and from our name Kaingud, and Likha meaning "to create or creations"


Our creations include a mix of pieces depicting unconventional and eclectic styles influenced by elements of our experiences, interests and our purpose. Our works evolve from artisanal crafts, mixed media, assemblages, sculptures, to structural designing. 

Creating tribal motif crafts, adornments, and decors involving the use of natural materials and traditional patterns of the indigenous people is purely our commitment to promote our roots and our culture. Mixed media paintings of symbolism and therianthropic beings inspired by nature spirits and cosmology. 

Three-dimensional assemblages from electronic wastes and ethically collected animal bones become artworks rather bizarre or unusual. 

The rise in global environmental change is also one of the main reasons we reuse and repurpose found objects and turn them into a collection of unique illustrations of artworks.


Since we are two individuals, we also have our particular specialties and approach.



Though Nuno also makes handicrafts and jewelry, he is most fascinated by assembling odd, distorted, and disproportioned figures and art pieces.

He illustrates his own definition of Life (past, present, future) or even the Afterlife through his Sketches, Pen and Ink drawings, Glass Paintings and Etching, Wood Carvings, or in his 3-D Sculptures. 

He does carpentry in his spare time and also creates out-of-this-world Structural Designs and Installations.


Attributing to a certain “diwata” (forest fairy) or a mythical warrior goddess is Pagasa's way of interpreting essence to her Statement jewelries. She does a variety of accessories, from simple minimalist style to a broad and layered jewelry. All of it holds significant meaning and purpose of healing, protection, and symbology.  

Pagasa also creates crafts like terracotta pots, up-cycled woven fabrics and denim turned into bags, tie-dyed table runners, and hand-poured candles. 

Above all this, she also does visual arts. Though still learning and self-studying this medium, her works are centered on making pieces of textured acrylic Mixed-media painting that represents her understanding and insights on Philippine mythology, cosmology, and ancient symbolism, depicting creatures based on her imaginative view of mythological beings.


The materials we use has always played an essential role in our creations. 

In our Jewelry, you will find a collection of tribal, bohemian and rustic designs which we only use NATURAL materials such as semiprecious stones, crystals, pearls, wood, seeds, coconut shell, bamboo, shells, brass, clay, animal bones and horn beads. We also make ancestral themed jewelry. Like the lingling-o, bul-ol, miniature gongs, bells and assorted medallions made out of brass from used bullet shells. This materials are not only for aesthetic purposes but also known to have properties and charms that promotes good luck, healing energies, for peace of mind, love, and relaxation, as well as for protection and abundance among some of the many different effects that are known.


With our Handmade Crafts, we create many kinds of decors and home accessories that require different kinds of materials. We are in a place where we are surrounded by nature and that you only need to know where to look.  Organic mediums are always our choice in most of our works specially bamboo, rattan, and wood.


There are also some objects that which itself can be used right away in many forms of Art. Creating Assemblages from electronic wastes, metal, and plastic trash. It is one of our goals to promote reusing, recycling, repurposing materials, and as much as possible reducing our carbon footprint  in our production. 


These materials whether found or bought from thrift shops or junk yards were ethically sourced, collected, cleaned, and treated.


In reality, Artists struggle to reach out and capture society's attention, to be appreciated and understand the meaning of our works, and to interpret the basic whys and why nots of Life. 

But here, we will simplify things. There will be no explanation (but of course, you can always ask questions).

Just let our Works help you reach YOUR understanding of  YOURSELF, and let Them help YOU interpret YOUR LIFE.

Or just get entertained.


To YOU who SUPPORTS us and believes in our abilities and skills.

Thank YOU so much!


Nuno and Pagasa 




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